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Divine Recipes


Our friends over at have an awesome Greek yogurt recipe contest going on. Whip up your favorite recipe using The Greek Gods Yogurt or The Greek Gods Kefir before April 21, 2013, and you could be in the running to win $500!

All you have to do is head over to the The Greek Gods Facebook page to enter your recipe instructions and its corresponding photo for a chance to win or email your entry to

The second and third prizes will win $200 and $100, respectively, and all winning recipes will be featured on The Greek Gods new website (coming soon), as well as on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

So cool, good luck!


Spring Cleaning with Leslie


Ahh, spring is here and it's a time of growth and rebirth -- you know, birds chirping and all that. But for us mortal folk, that means it's time to throw open the proverbial drapes and get cleaning. Out with the old (buh-bye boots and coats) and in with the new (hello, space in my wardrobe that needs filling).

But before we store those coats, we need to take a good, hard look at our closets. It's time to edit, donate and store and Leslie Christen | LifeStyling is here to help.

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be daunting, especially when you can hire someone to do it, right?  My team has seen and tackled every organizational and style dilemma, we know that getting dressed in the morning can be a struggle if you don't know how to work with what you have and your closet's a mess.

So in order to get Spring off to a great start, we're offering all our readers 20% OFF our services when you mention Spring Cleaning.

Here's what you can expect from our most popular service - Closet Edit, Organization and Wardrobe Revision:

- A one-on-one meeting to discuss your wardrobe dilemmas and style goals
- A thorough wardrobe edit to determine what is ill fitting, unnecessary and dated
- Guidelines for making outfits with the clothes that fit you best
- A look book of styled outfits so you don't have to try on your own clothes anymore
- Finish with an organized and coordinated closet and customized shopping strategy

Let's get organized, for our complete list of services please visit our website at and to make an appointment please email

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